
You are hard to find. I thought it was you once or twice, but you’re still hiding…somewhere.

Your eyes tell a story. I know inside of you is so deeply beautiful. I’m almost sure you don’t know that, and maybe don’t see it even in the mirror. If you let me, I’ll teach you what I see in you, tell you how great you are.

You might be serious, happy, smart, funny, shy, artistic, like staying home or partying all night. You might be jealous, bipolar, emo, and throw thing when you’re angry (and all of that is okay). I like all of those things because they’re part of you I might be lucky enough to see. But if I miss you and you’d like to talk, please just say “hi”.

If you’re too shy or don’t know what to say, just tell me :do you like a sunrise or sunset? Do you like the mountains or the ocean, or Netflix at home? Coffee, or wine maybe?

So if you think you’re ready, just say “hi” and we’ll take it from there.

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